Technology Partner

Technology Partner


RingCentral, Inc. is a publicly traded (RNG:NYSE) provider of cloud-based communication and collaboration products and services for businesses. The company offers seamless solutions that combines messaging, video conferencing, and phone calls into one unified platform.

Since 2003, RingCentral has been breaking down the communication barriers created by complex, on-premise hardware. RingCentral delivers cloud business communications solutions that free people to work the way they want in today's mobile, distributed, and always-on work world. Delivered on a state-of-the-art infrastructure, .

Products for RingCentral

RSI and RingCentral

Resource Software International Ltd. (RSI) is a RingCentral ISV Premier Partner offering integration and analytics solutions for messaging, video and phone activity. RSI offers scalable tailored solutions that go beyond the scope of the out-of-the box analytics that measure, monitor and manage the effectiveness of communication facilities to empower greater productivity for every enterprise!


Shadow All In One Analytics

Scalable analytics for messages, video & phone, real-time agent/queue dashboards, call recording replay, and alert notification.

Shadow All-In-One Analytics offers a cloud-based solution for capturing, processing, monitoring, reporting, and archiving transactions across many premise PBXs and cloud communication platforms.

Call Journey Analysis and Call Accounting

Shadow All-in-One Analytics provides cradle to grave management reports which highlight long duration, missed calls, excessive cost, and IVR routing summaries. All activity may be pinpointed to a particular agent, extension, voice mailbox, hunt group, endpoint, or corporate level.

Hundreds of pre-canned report templates can be generated to meet regulatory compliance standards, perform long term trend analysis, and accelerate adoption. A powerful report builder can be utilized for unlimited other templates.

Historical & Real-Time Agent/Queue Dashboards

Shadow All-In-One Analytics can utilize historical metrics for any time period to create trend line analysis of customer experience accounting for seasonal change, workforce levels, and business growth. Real-time metrics from agent and queue activity are presented in dynamic customizable dashboards that can be presented on wallboards or desktops. These dashboards empower supervisors with instantaneous metrics about their communication facilities and offer agents immediate feedback.

Alert & Emergency Notifications

Triggers can be defined to alert on specific agent status, service levels, wait times, abandoned calls, user inactivity, or 911 emergencies. Managers can view statistics for multiple communication facilities from one browser or be alerted via email, text message, audible alarm, lamplight, screen flash, network broadcast, or team collaboration spaces.

Call Recording Queries & Playback

Call recordings are coupled with the call detail records and stored for future queries and or playback. The messages and their transcriptions (if available) are stored for any time period as dictated by corporate policy and compliance. Recordings can be searched based on the number dialed, date, time, duration, and/or query tags.

Team Collaboration and Messaging

Shadow All-in-One Analytics utilizes RingCentral APIs to gather collaboration metrics for messages (SMS, Fax, VM, Tasks), meetings, and calling activity. Managers now have the ability to monitor, measure, and manage their entire ecosystem in one place. Tailored dashboards can present current call center activity, number of meeting by host or participants, most actively posting teams, task completion rate, SMS or VM read metrics and total call activity. There are hundreds of potential widgets that can be configured to meet the customer use case.

Add Cradle to Grave Cross Platform Analytics (RingEX/CX)

Optionally, add call journey anaytics for calls that cross RingCentral UC and CC platforms. Therefore, RingEX and CX environments can examine cradle-to-grave activity from one platform to the other to determine service levels, agent/queue performance and usage summaries.

Add Call Center Features to Call Queues

Optionally, add Shadow Agent for RingCentral also available in the RingCentral App Gallery. Shadow Agent allows customers to bridge the gap between UCaaS and CCaas without the need for expensive licenses. RingEX call queues can now have disposition codes, AUX Codes (i.e. bathroom break, on lunch), account and verified account codes, presence override by management, auto-logoff and leader boards.


RingEX RingCX Unified Communications


Communication Analytics Call Accounting



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Shadow Agent

Shadow Agent brings call center features to call queues & agents including disposition codes, account codes, AUX codes and dynamic presence dashboards.


Shadow Agent offers enhanced call center-like functionality for standard call queues and agents at a fraction of call center seat licenses.

Disposition, Activity, or Incident Codes

Shadow Agent allows users to tag calls with disposition codes or labels that indicate the call type, reason for the call, the outcome of the call, and the required action. The metrics can later be dissected to provide better insights into product stability, customer experience or resource allocation.

Enhanced Presence Dashboards

Shadow Agent includes a powerful dynamic local presence dashboards that can be configured to show specific queues, departments, or users. Real time leader boards can highlight user or agent activity and performance. Queue dashboards show real time calls waiting, in progress or service levels.

Account Codes

When using the built-in dialer, Shadow Agent can restrict outbound calls to a range of verifiable account codes (sometimes called client/matter numbers or authorization pin). Failure to enter a valid code will not allow the call to proceed. Forced account codes are generally used in professional environments that want to bill for their time spent on calls. Similarly, Shadow Agent offers voluntary account codes for environments that want to optionally tag a call without call restriction.

Auxiliary or Presence Codes

Auxiliary Codes (or Presence Codes) are used to track the time an agent has deliberately chosen to not accept calls. Shadow Agent allows for customizable AUX codes such as On Break, Bathroom Break or On Lunch. Timed states can automatically be set for a user after a call.

Enterprise Analytics and Historical Call Queue Reporting

Shadow Agent tightly integrates with Shadow All In One Analytics for account level enterprise reporting, billing integration and real time dashboards.

Call Handling and Call Control

Shadow Agents offers several call queue control features. Agents can optionally be removed from call queues if they ignore or fail to answer a call. Similarly, when an agents put themselves into invisible state, Shadow Agent can optionally manage their queue presence. After call work can be triggered automatically and set after call end. Agents can optionally remove themselves from wrap states before the threshold is reached. Shadow Agent offers callback functions for waiting callers and for agents who wish to return abandoned or VM calls. Advanced AI is used to suggest callback numbers for voicemails left in Queue mailboxes. Agents can also cherry pick VIP callers and answer them from any position in the queue.


RingEX RingCX


Agents and Call Queues Real Time Dashboards



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Shadow Bot

Shadow Bot is an interactive liaison between RSI Shadow applications and team messaging users for real time notifications, ad hoc reporting and historical metrics.


Shadow Bot is embedded within RingCentral App and will deliver emergency notifications or Line Of Business reports to subscribers.

Real Time Notifications

Shadow Bot is an interactive facilitator of communications between RSI Shadow applications and RingCentral team collaboration users. The bot can be engaged directly or added to a group or team to receive real time notifications of events such as calls to international destinations and or emergency services.

Line of Business Metrics

Shadow Bot can be asked to produce an Instant Report or a scheduled set of reports delivered directly to an individual, group or team. An associated CSV file is delivered to subscribed members for review or use in business intelligence tools.




Chat Bot Reporting Notifications

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